Sometimes, the worst or the most agonising situations in life bring out the Best in us.Those few moments of extreme mental trauma,indeed, become the fondest memories of our moral valour and mental patience,and stability,,a few years down the line..!
What seem like countless moments of unsaid, unheard heart-aches, actually serve as stepping stones in helping us achieve the requisite mental constancy in such dreadfully distressing situations.I realise that its easier Said then Done but,the only way of combating n' coping with the most distressing phases in life is by fervently looking for the slightest possible speck of positivity even in the gloomiest of situations..
Its pretty futile, perishing away our time,energy and emotions in contemplating the probable causes n' consequences of such upsetting episodes.The superlative attempt of going outta such traumatic episodes is by shedding all the fears,frustrations,infuriations,emotions and even tears, in Solitude (rather than making a public display of personal catastrophes) and get away with those filthy feelings.
After all,the world wouldn't come to an end.Life would still embrace us with open arms.So,never mind,pull up your socks and, promise yourself to come out mentally n' emotionally Unaffected in case we encounter more emotional fiascos in our future endeavours..
If a supersensitive person like me,could do that.
I am sure you too can.!
I have decided to forgive her...
Rather, all I would like to convey and remember is...
"Thanks Sweety...For making me tough..!!"
Dear friend,
It's been two years since I've written to you. I have a lot to say yet I ,
like every diary writer who hasn't written for a while, don't know ...
7 years ago
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